Snippet for search and output.
In the work pdoTools is used, so all basic options are available: TV connection, requirement reference in &where, &select, etc. Basically this snippet represents modified pdoResources with two distinctions:
- It uses search and add placeholder
with points for output. - Also it adds placeholder
with matches highlighted.
Snippet is supposed to react to transferred request, so it is highly recommended to involve it uncaсhed.
Name | By default | Description |
&tpl | tpl.mSearch2.row | Chunk layout for every outcome. Usual resource placeholders + [[+weight]] and [[+intro]] . |
&returnIds | false | To return id list of proper pages with a comma. |
&showLog | false | To show extra information on snippet work. For the authorized in «mgr» context only. |
&limit | 10 | Limit of the result selection. |
&offset | 0 | Result offset from the beginning of selection. |
&depth | 10 | In-depth search of resources for every parent. |
&outputSeparator | \n | Optional string for separating results of work. |
&toPlaceholder | Unless it is empty, snippet will keep all data in placeholder with the name instead of displaying. | |
&parents | List of categories with a comma for the output restriction. | |
&includeTVs | TV options list for selection with a comma. For example: «action,time» will provide [[+action]] and [[+time]] . | |
&tvPrefix | Prefix for TV placeholders, for example «tv.». | |
&where | Additional selection options coded in JSON. | |
&showUnpublished | false | To show unpublished products. |
&showDeleted | false | To show remote resources. |
&showHidden | true | To show resources hidden in menu. |
&hideContainers | false | To hide resources-containers. |
&introCutBefore | 50 | Specify number of symbols for the output in placeholder [[+intro]] before the first coincidence in the text. |
&introCutAfter | 250 | Specify number of symbols for the output in placeholder [[+intro]] after the first coincidence in the text. |
&htagOpen | <b> | Opening tag for highlighting of the found results in [[+intro]] . |
&htagClose | </b> | Closing tag for highlighting of the found results in [[+intro]] . |
&parentsVar | parents | Variable name for extra filtration on parents. You can send it through $_REQUEST. |
&queryVar | query | Variable name for getting search request from $_REQUEST. |
&tplWrapper | Chunk-wrapper for wrapping all the results. Recognizes the placeholders:[[+output]] , [[+total]] , [[+query]] and [[+parents]] . | |
&wrapIfEmpty | false | Includes chunk-wrapper output &tplWrapper even though there are no results. |
&forceSearch | true | Binding search for output. If there is no one - no output. |
&minQuery | 3 | Minimal length of the search query. |
&fields | System settings redefinition of weight for indexed fields with comma: &fields=pagetitle:5,content:3,comment:1,tv_mytvname:2 . mse2_index_fields is used by default. | |
&showSearchLog | false | To show detailed information on given points of resource search when inserting &showLog. |
Snippet may display search errors messages which change in system dictionaries.
- mse2_err_no_results → "No results found".
- mse2_err_min_query → "Search query is too short". That means the query is less than the &minQuery value.
- mse2_err_no_query → "Search query is empty".
There you can also find other records used in chunks and snippets by default.
Search form
Snippet must have search query in the array $_REQUEST for it to work. It can be sent by simplest form:
<form action="/search.html" method="get">
<input type="text" name="query" value="[[+mse2_query]]" />
<button type="submit">Искать!</button>
Note that the query should be referred under the same name as specified in the parameter &queryVar, query by default.
If empty action is specified, it is transferred to the current page.
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="text" name="query" value="[[+mse2_query]]" />
<button type="submit">Искать!</button>
You can use pages breakdown via pdoPage. mSearch2 sets pdoTools automatically, so you have already got pdoPage.
<form action="" method="get">
<input type="text" name="query" value="[[+mse2_query]]" />
<button type="submit">Искать!</button>
Snippet can be caused along with mSearchForm
You can also use mSearch2 to search and output together with msProducts:
parameter specifies msProducts - found products list for the output. And the default
filter substitutes misssing id when nothing is found, otherwise msProducts will output every row at a time.
In that case you can use all the fields of the products in the chunk processing.